
"You're him, aren't you?"

The line that began this idea. Everyone knows I love the 2004 Phantom of the Opera. I feel few know I also love the 1989 version with Robert Englund. Well, that line is part of my favorite scene of the '89 version. It's also what Sophie Metternich asks of the most famous vampire of all. Another thing The Phantom and Dracula have in common? Somewhat unwilling proteges. Enjoy!!

And to see more of Dracula, tune in to Copper. ;) #TeamMorehouse

(And yes, that's Mia Kirshner as Sophie.)

Awesome new iPod meme

They're Coming to Take Me Away - Napoleon xiv
Disturbia - Rihanna
Nightmare on My Street - Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff
Hardrock Hallelujah - Lordi
My Heaven is Your Hell - Lordi
The Night of the Loving Dead - Lordi
Monsta Rap - Elvira
Too Bad You're Crazy - Jerry Whitman

Okay, really I got it from a creepy post on ONTD, but still. This would be epic.

798 (129) - All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012

Originally posted by dj_rocca at 798 (129) - All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by richyl88 at 798 (129) - All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by margerydaw_s2 at 798 (129) - All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by seshido at 798 (129) - All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by ragnarok_08 at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by teagues_veil at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by fuyuhimi at !Important Mod Post
Originally posted by vodkashakes at !Important Mod Post
Originally posted by classicdramatic at !Important Mod Post

All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012

Originally posted by tifa at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by awry at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012

"File-sharers, beware: By July 12, major US Internet service providers (ISPs) will voluntarily begin serving as copyright police for the entertainment industry, according to Cary Sherman, chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The so-called “six-strikes” plan is said to be one of the most effective anti-piracy efforts ever established in the US."

The article goes on to give details. After six notices, internet providers will decide to throttle a person's internet speed, or cut it off altogether. I don't know if they will crack down on torrents only, or if it is up to the internet provider. I get the sense it is up to the internet provider. So some people could get away with downloading non torrents, while others might get their internet service cut off. I urge you to click it and read, as we all know people who download.

No more downloading eps of your favorite shows for vidding, gifs, or fanfiction art. No more downloading screencaps possibly. I'm so sorry my friends. I don't even know if BT Guard will work to protect you, but I would google it if I were you. It is a professional service that supposedly can protect you from the invasive eyes of your internet provider.

Just, my friends, please make each other aware. Please be aware of the date JULY 12TH. Mark your calendar and double check with your internet provider by then. If you start receiving notices of downloaded activity, this is why. And your internet service could be throttled or cut off.

Fox News confirms this:

Youtube video explaining this:

ETA: Petition for RIAA and the Obama Administration: Stop ISPs from launching a massive copyright spying scheme this July 12th


House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate

Originally posted by nickeldreams at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by unnecessary_ at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by hiddleasaurus at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by aaronlisa at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by iheartnickcath at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by mcc2040 at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by philstar22 at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
Originally posted by lk737 at House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate
CISPA would give the government and corporations vast new powers to track and share data about Americans’ Internet use.

But our hundreds of thousands of emails and tens of thousands of phone calls have had a real impact:

Amendments were adopted that made CISPA (marginally) better.

Earlier this month CISPA was supposed to sail through, but we helped foment opposition, and the vote was far closer than anybody could have imagined even a couple of weeks ago.

Most Democrats held firm in opposition, and more than two dozen libertarian-leaning Republicans defied their leadership and voted no.

Most importantly, President Obama has threatened to veto CISPA.

***Additionally, CISPA would destabilize the internet inviting cyber attacks and increasing the amount of identity theft.***

The Senate will consider cyber security legislation in the coming weeks. Let’s turn up the heat right away: Tell the Senate to reject CISPA and any and all legislation that doesn’t respect privacy and civil liberties.
Add your name at right to tell the Senate to reject cyber security legislation that doesn’t respect privacy.



Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

Originally posted by nickeldreams at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by unnecessary_ at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by delacruz at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by zeitgeistic at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by enchanted_jae at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by mandatorily at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

I just signed the following petition addressed to: Arizona Sentate, Arizona State Legislature, Debbie Lesko.

Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

If this bill passes the senate then women of Arizona would be forced to provide documentation that birth control is for medical purposes only. The "company" would not be required to cover birth control if it was for prevention of conception. Additionally this bill would give companies the right to fire women if they discovered that she was using a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy


The right to fire? Seriously?

SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)

Originally posted by nickeldreams at SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)
Originally posted by makeyourmoment at SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)
Originally posted by aaronlisa at SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)
Originally posted by scratchingpost1 at SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)
Originally posted by velvetwhip at SOPA is not dead (courtesy of: Demand Progress)

They still just don't get it. Chris Dodd -- the head of the Hollywood Lobby -- is bragging that he's working on a new insider deal to push through SOPA-like legislation.

This comes just days after the White House released a new report urging Congress to crack down on piracy.

Please click here to tell Obama to oppose censorship and reject Hollywood's backroom deals.

He had this exchange with the Hollywood Reporter this week:

THR: Are there conversations going on now?

Dodd: I'm confident that's the case, but I'm not going to go into more detail because obviously if I do, it becomes counterproductive.

THR: Did you feel personally blindsided by Obama over SOPA?

Dodd: I'm not going to revisit the events of last winter. I'll only say to you that I'm confident he's using his good relationships in both communities to do exactly what you and I have been talking about.

Hollywood and Obama should've learned by now:

No form of censorship will be acceptable to Internet users, and we're fed up with corrupt, back-room deals that are driven by the rich and well-connected.

And any major Internet policy changes should be negotiated in the light of day, so the millions of people who'd be affected can have their say too.

Please tell President Obama to reject Hollywood's backroom deals -- click here.

Thanks for fighting for our rights.

-Demand Progress


Library day

If anyone's noticed I haven't been around, here's why. The other night, at about 10:04, got a blue screen. Guess who's going to have to get her comp looked at Monday.

Which of course means I don't get to join in any fandom games tomorrow night. You can imagine how thrilled I am.

Worst part? It's not the usual thing. And therefore it's something I can't fix. And I wouldn't be at the library if it wasn't on both sides of the comp.

I'll get to what I can as I can (fandom/mod/comm duties, etc.) - but for now, I'm a little stuck.